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Fig. 3 | BioData Mining

Fig. 3

From: Optimizing age-related hearing risk predictions: an advanced machine learning integration with HHIE-S

Fig. 3

LIME and SHAP Force Plots Visualizing the Impact of Important Features on the Prediction Model for Individual Patients with Age-Related Hearing Loss (ARHL). The plots use color coding, with red indicating a positive correlation and green indicating a negative correlation between the features and the predicted probability of age-related hearing loss (ARHL) risk assessment. Abbreviations: HHIE-4: "Do you feel that you have a disability because of a hearing problem? ", Age, HHIE-1: "Do hearing problems embarrass you when you meet new people? ", HHIE-3: "Do you find it difficult to hear someone who speaks in a whisper? ", HHIE-8: "Does a hearing problem cause difficulty when you are listening to the radio or television? ", HHIE-10: "Does a hearing problem cause you difficulty when you are in a restaurant with relatives or friends?"

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