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Fig. 5 | BioData Mining

Fig. 5

From: ViSEAGO: a Bioconductor package for clustering biological functions using Gene Ontology and semantic similarity

Fig. 5

Visualization of ViSEAGO’s functional analysis from cattle with three MeDiP datasets. a Clustering heatmap plot combining a dendrogram based on Wang’s semantic similarity distance and ward.D2 aggregation criterion, a heatmap of -log10(p-value) from functional enrichment tests, and information content (IC). b MDS plot based on BMA distance representing the proximities of groups obtained by cutting dendrogram in (a). Dot size depends on the number of GO terms within each cluster. c Heatmap plot of functional sets of GO terms combining a description of the first common GO ancestor of each set of GO terms, a heatmap with the number of GO terms in each set, a dendrogram based on BMA semantic similarity distance and ward.D2 aggregation criterion

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