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Fig. 2 | BioData Mining

Fig. 2

From: Within-sample co-methylation patterns in normal tissues

Fig. 2

Comparing co-methylation patterns among three spleen samples (for 3S1T data). These graphs are created by plotting the percent occurrence for each distance sub-interval incremented by 50: [0, 50), [50, 100), [100, 150), and so on to [500, Inf). The x-axis indicates distance between CG sites. For example, a distance sub-interval of [50, 100) means that all paired CG sites are within 50 to 100 base pairs of each other. The y-axis indicates the percent occurrence of the methylation state pair as designated by the graph title. The solid red line, the dashed blue line, and the dotted black line indicate the trend of the STL001, STL002, and STL003 spleen sample respectively

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