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Table 1 Comparison of the dynamic modeling approaches for temporal omics data, the detailed methods, mining tasks, and type of problems, examples, and related references

From: Computational dynamic approaches for temporal omics data with applications to systems medicine

General approaches


Type of problems, tasks

Important features and functions

Some Reference

Math based Deterministic, static

Stochastic, dynamic

Differential equations, Fourier transform, topology based matrix factorization

Stochastic differential equations, Gaussian graphical models, Probabilistic Boolean networks

State space model and or hidden Markov model, Markov random fields

Parameter/rate estimations, network inference, prediction, time course (I-III)

Dynamic parameter estimations

transition process

Causal or non-causal temporal relationships

Fixed, stable parameter, structure estimation, time invaried, non-causal

Direct relationship,

Nonlinear or linear.

Probabilistic time varied,

Nonlinear or linear

Direct or indirect relationship time course (I-III)

[23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30] [36,37,38,39,40] [31,32,33,34,35] [41, 42] [43]

Statistical based


Bayesian methods

Regression vector autoregressive (VAR) models, Curve fitting, spline methods, Granger causality

Bayesian models (linear or nonlinear model), growth model

Parameter estimations, predictions, hypothesis testing, biomarker/target identifications

Heterogeneity discovery

Explanatory relationship without prior knowledge, pure data based time course (I-III) or phenotype dependent (IV)

With prior or empirical

Knowledge, probabilistic

[35, 44, 45] [46] [41, 42, 47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57]

Computer sciences based

Machine learning, data mining

discriminative generative

Neural network


Distance or correlation based

Supervised classification with wrapper

Feedback Forward NN, time recurrent NN, convolution NN, Bayesian NN

Subtypes, modular, and heterogeneity discovery, Pattern discovery and identification

Dynamic changes and trajectories

Complex relationship, structure

Time course (I-III) or phenotype dependent (IV)

Without knowing the outcome, classes,

Defined outcomes/classes conditional joint analysis

Time varied or invariaed

Nonlinear or linear

Direct or indirect relationship,

Explanatory or predictive

time course (I-III) or

phenotype dependent (IV)

[26,27,28,29] [58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66] [68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75]

Interactions and network, pathway function based

Predictions, integrated with public databases

phenotype dependent (IV), Graphic based

Causal hypothesis

Direct or indirect relationship,

Nonlinear or linear

integrated with public databases

interactive through manually

or automate

[89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109, 116, 162] [83,84,85] [86] [87]