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Table 6 The example of HQMF XML representation of the QDM-based criterion

From: Developing a modular architecture for creation of rule-based clinical diagnostic criteria

The HQMF XML representation of the QDM-based criterion “Laboratory Test, Result: LDL-c (result < 100 mg/dL)”

<!-- Laboratory Test, Result pattern -->

<templateId root = "2.16.840.1.113883.3.560.1.12"/>

<id root = "c5244e91-3c2e-4863-ae87-a48556b9e3ae"/>

<code code = "30954-2" displayName = "Results" codeSystem = "2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"/>

<sourceOf typeCode = "COMP">

<observation classCode = "OBS" moodCode = "EVN" isCriterionInd = "true">

<code code = "2.16.840.1.113883." displayName = "LDL-c LOINC Value Set" codeSystem = "2.16.840.1.113883.3.560.101.1"/>

<title > Laboratory Test, Result: LDL-c (result &lt; 100 mg/dL)</title>

<statusCode code = "completed"/>

<sourceOf typeCode = "REFR">

<observation classCode = "OBS" moodCode = "EVN" isCriterionInd = "true" > <templateId root = "2.16.840.1.113883.3.560.1.1019.3"/>

<code code = "385676005" codeSystem = "2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" displayName = "result" codeSystemName = "SNOMED-CT"/>

<value xsi:type = "IVL_PQ">

<high value = "100" unit = "mg/dL" inclusive = "false"/>




